BSW3 18. Beckett's boulevarde

Nov 04, 2021, 06:59 PM

Speaker: Mary Murphy
From the Bluestack Way Part 3 playlist

You are now approx 7 km from Glenties; known as the Cosan, this path has been used by the people of Doobin for centuries going to mass or to the fairs in Glenties for shopping. It was used by the people of Disert, Drimarone and beyond for the same purpose, crossing over the side of Carnaween by Carn Lough. Sheep were frequently driven this way to fairs in Glenties up until the 1950s. Many would drive sheep the night before, always assured of a bed for the night and shelter for their stock in the households of Doobin.
You are truly in the middle of nowhere right now - you'll come across an abandoned sofa that should be enjoyed. The Cosan to all intents and purposes has been conjured up by a mischievous Samuel Beckett - a seemingly never-ending bog road that goes into infinity; the sofa one last luxury before you embark on this challenging terrain. Some left field theatre company may well stage 'Waiting For Godot' here some day!
Our audio piece has a handy piece of vernacular in telling you that bog is not just a noun, but also makes up the verb, bogging!