What inspired this woman to join the Pancreatic Cancer Action Network?

Nov 02, 2021, 08:14 AM

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Jenny Isaacson was attending a conference when she heard Julie Fleshman, President and CEO of The Pancreatic Cancer Action Network, speak about her vision of progress to double the survival rate for pancreatic cancer by the year 2020.  Jenny was so impressed by Julie and her vision that she also wanted to be part of that vision. Jenny picked up the phone called Julie, that was ten years ago.  Though Jenny has filled different positions since joining PanCAN her position now allows her to oversee partnerships including the World Pancreatic Cancer Coalition.  Learn more about PanCAN, the World Pancreatic Cancer Coalition and why it is so important to have a month, November and a day, November 18, dedicated to pancreatic cancer?  Only on OC Talk Radio, Orange County’s Only Community Radio Station which streams live from @UCI Beall Applied Innovation Center www.livinghopepc.com  www.pancan.org #WPCD 
This episode of Living Hope is dedicated to Brenda Coleman a 13 year pancreatic cancer survivor at the time of her death.
“At the end of the day, I want everyone to know that our experiences with pancreatic cancer can serve a purpose. Every experience, everyone’s journey, can bring hope and inspiration, if we all work together to make a difference.”