Aug 12, 2019, 09:30 AM

We talk about Rudolph Fentz.  He was a man who was not as he seemed.. Or was he?  He looked like he walked right out of the 1800's but it was 1950.. Listen to see what the truth is.  

Kerri covers a semi local terrible human named Charles Ray Crawford.  He's involved in two cases and isn't the good guy in either situation.  And the real crime, is the second case should have never happened.  

Join The Creepinati: www.patreon.com/theAPCpodcast

We talk about Rudolph Fentz.  He was a man who was not as he seemed.. Or was he?  He looked like he walked right out of the 1800's but it was 1950.. Listen to see what the truth is.  

Kerri covers a semi local terrible human named Charles Ray Crawford.  He's involved in two cases and isn't the good guy in either situation.  And the real crime, is the second case should have never happened.  

Join The Creepinati: www.patreon.com/theAPCpodcast

Also.. if you have any local true crime, local urban legend/lore, ghost stories.. we want them all!! We want to hear from YOU.  Especially if you have any funny Ambien stories!

Email us at aparanormalchicks@gmail.com and tell us all the good good!!

We would love for you to leave us a review on whatever podcast app you listen to us on!  Thanks so much!!

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