Nov 04, 2019, 09:30 AM

 Lisa Marie Kimmell was brutally murdered and her case went unsolved for a long time, but DNA did its thang and justice was finally served for Lil' Miss.  

Rolan T. Owen and his mysterious death in room 1042.  A man who has never been properly identified was killed in a hotel room, but there are no real suspects and everything pretty much just makes you go "huh?"

Also.. if you have any local true crime, local urban legend/lore, ghost stories.. we want them all!! We want to hear from YOU.  Especially if you have any funny Ambien stories!

If you want to submit your own experience (both paranormal and true crime), email us at aparanormalchicks@gmail.com 

Join The Creepinati @ www.patreon.com/theAPCpodcast 

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