Gathering chimes

Oct 14, 2021, 11:40 AM

Episode image
Mass bells in Abbazia Pisani reimagined by Neil Spencer Bruce (Light B4 Sound).

"The importance of bells in soundscape and culture is well documented as a way of controlling people and providing a sense of community. I wanted to explore both the tonality of the bell and the spaces in which the chime. On first hearing the field recording, images of Nick Roeg's Don't Look Now and the Giallo films of Dario Argento became the inspiration, films had a sense of dimension and space to them, and a sense of impending doom. 

"Izotope's RX was used at the basis for the tone palette, creating samples using spectral frequency elements from the recorded bells. Spectral repair was used to highlight the 'noise' in the recording and then use this to form part of the underlying pad sounds. Additionally stripping elements from the original recording, also provided sources for a number of convolution reverb impulses which tracks elements were then processed with.

"Binaural processing was used to further to add an immersive layer to the piece and to give it an additional authentic 80's feel, the mix was then processed on to an analogue cassette tape, for added hiss and nostalgia."