Digital Literacy - A Good Influence
Oct 12, 2021, 03:48 PM
In this episode of the Premier Skills English Podcast, Jack's sister has a daughter who is approaching her 13th birthday. She's going to be getting her first smartphone and so Jack ask Rowan for some advice about how to protect her.
The language focus is on vocabulary related to social media and the digital literacy focus is on understanding how to use social media to get the best information and content.
Visit the podcast page on Premier Skills English to read the transcript, complete some practice activities and the task and join in the discussion at Premier Skills English > Skills > Listen > Podcasts > Digital Literacy - A Good Influence
The language focus is on vocabulary related to social media and the digital literacy focus is on understanding how to use social media to get the best information and content.
Visit the podcast page on Premier Skills English to read the transcript, complete some practice activities and the task and join in the discussion at Premier Skills English > Skills > Listen > Podcasts > Digital Literacy - A Good Influence