31 | How we can use fear as a portal for evolution

Oct 06, 2021, 10:19 PM

Episode image
When we are faced with a fear we have the option of choosing whether to go through the fear portal or to say no. This is the expression of choice.

This option of yes or no is a portal. Fear is a portal of evolution because growth resides beyond our fears. Any kind of growth resides beyond our comfort zone.

This energetic quantum fear comes in and it feels uncomfortable because change is coming. When change is there, we are called to step outside of our comfort zone. This gives us a fear portal to work with.

Once we decide to say yes to our fear and face the fear portal, we then observe that we have two options. 

In this transmission, I share with you the two options we have when we decide to face our fears. I discuss just going for it and penetrating our fear portal. This is all about feeling the fear and doing it anyway!

Coming face to face with our fears has a massive impact on our nervous system, which is where the second option comes in of consciously training our human body to relax around our fear and also educating ourselves before going for it.

I also share a personal story of facing one of my fears and how the universe tested me to make sure I was truly ready to penetrate my fear portal.

Facing our fears and choosing to go through our fear portal from a place of love and trust gives us a huge opportunity to accelerate our evolution and literally shift onto a new timeline!

This transmission is a clip taken from my free 3-part event Avatar Reprogramming which you can sign up to for free here: https://cendrines.kartra.com/page/avatarreprogramming

This episode covers:
  • The expression of choice when facing our fears
  • Penetrating the fear portal
  • How our fears impact our nervous system
  • Consciously relaxing before going through our fear portal
  • Observing our nervous system & doing the work to calm it down
  • Educating ourselves on our fears
  • My personal experience of penetrating one of my fear portals
  • Why the universe will test our readiness to face our fears

Extra resources & links:

🪐 Bonjour!
I am your host Cendrine, ascension and mission mentor and trance channel to the 9D Arcturian Council of Light.  

Together we will learn about the infinite quantum and galactic realms so we can embody more of our multidimensionality and accelerate our ascension.

Let’s reclaim our freedom and recode our reality!

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