Out Now Horror Special 2021: Candyman – Series Overview
Oct 01, 2021, 07:56 AM
October has arrived, and it is once again time for the Out Now with Aaron and Abe horror specials. This year the group is putting a focus on four horror franchises (and one commentary). Kicking things off, JoBlo's Jimmy O and The Brandon Peters Show's Brandon Peters join Aaron and Abe to discuss the Candyman franchise. With all the talk of the first film and the recent sequel/reboot, it was time to discuss the series as a whole, including some new thoughts on the aforementioned films and whether or not parts two and three are worthwhile in any way (spoilers, one is much better than the other). So now, if you've got an hour or so to kill…
- Follow all of us on Twitter: @Outnow_Podcast, @AaronsPS4, @WalrusMoose, @JimmyToTheO, @Brandon4KUHD, @FlicksForFans
- Check out all of our sites and blogs: The Code Is Zeek, Why So Blu?, We Live Entertainment, JoBlo, The Brandon Peters Show, Flicks For Fans
- Check Out All of Our Horror Specials.
- Check out our Candyman commentary.
- Check out our Candyman 2021 review.
- Movies Mentioned: Candyman (1992), Candyman: Farewell to the Flesh, Candyman: Day of the Dead, Candyman (2021)
#Candyman #Horror #TonyTodd #BernardRose #NiaDaCosta #BillCondon #TuriMeyer #VirginiaMadsen #YahyaAbdulMateenII #TeyonahParris #OutNowPodcast #OutNowWithAaronAndAbe #October #film #movie #entertainment #FarewellToTheFlesh #DayOfTheDead