23/09/2021 IWA Report Launch: Regulation and the Foundational Economy

Sep 30, 2021, 05:55 PM

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At this free online event, attendees heard about our latest report, part of our project on the Foundational Economy, funded by CREW.

Produced in collaboration with The Means, a consultancy working on economic regeneration across the UK, our report outlines how regulations and their enforcement can disproportionately impact small and medium sized businesses, making it hard for new firms to enter established markets and to expand.

Hear more about the series of recommendations we make of how Welsh regulators can ‘think small’ first and ensure a more level playing field.

The event was chaired by Andy Regan, Policy and External Affairs Manager at the IWA, who was joined by:

Jack Watkins – Foundational Economy Project Lead , Institute of Welsh Affairs
Peter Williams – Director, The Means
Llyr ap Gareth – Head of Policy, Federation of Small Businesses

You can read the report and find out about the recommendations here: https://www.iwa.wales/our-work/work/the-impact-of-regulation-in-the-foundational-economy/