Adult Vaccines and Immunizations

Season 1, Episode 135,   Oct 01, 2021, 05:00 PM


Today we will discuss vaccines and answer questions that many have asked us doctors. When should I have a shingles vaccine, when should I have a pneumonia vaccine? What is the differences between each of the COVID vaccines? Let’s talk vaccines with your host @everydayhealthhacker, Dr. Liza Leal and Mille Herzing @letstalkwheels.

Many patients ask when should they have vaccines. Did you know that there is a schedule of vaccines from birth through all ages of life. As adults, many are unaware of adult vaccines. If you decide to become a healthcare professional you learn all about them early as you can not enter into professional school without them.  If you are unaware if you have had a specific vaccine ask your primary care physician to check a titer. A titer will check antibody levels to see if the vaccine is active. This is most common for patients checking immunity for Hepatitis B and most recently for COVID.
Yes, Yes, we can check your bodies immunity. The best way to keep immunity is to be informed of your options and educate you and your family for the best steps you can take. This also includes nutrition, exercise and supplements if you are not eating enough fruits and vegetables your immune system becomes compromised. If you have questions, want to improve your health, or just need a reboot for your health, know that you can ask us any question any time....
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For information on vaccine schedules through the United States Preventive Task Force and CDC please find the following link that will be helpful and discuss with your Primary Care Practitioner.

God Bless and we will see you next week,

Dr. Liza Leal and Team Meridian

Meridian Health Institute
4655 Sweetwater Blvd. Ste 500
Sugar Land, TX 77479

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