Set Your Level to Calm

Episode 332,   Sep 10, 2021, 07:00 AM

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It’s easy to be calm when you’re on vacation, but what can you do to set your level to calm when you’re in stressful situations? Listen in to hear three easy ways to do exercises that will take you from anxious to calm in minutes. 

First, grab a pad, pen, and timer. Give yourself 60 seconds before your next meeting, interview, presentation, whatever you’re facing, and write down all the words that are floating through your head. Once the 60 seconds are up, tear out the page from your journal and rip it up. 

You’ve just released the thoughts that are crowding your mind and making space for the next exercise. 

Practice intentional breathing. I like to use the box method which looks like this: 

Breathe in for 4 seconds…

Hold your breath for 4 seconds…

Breathe out for 4 seconds…

Hold your breath for 4 seconds…

Do this intentional breathwork for a few rounds or until you can feel your body relaxing. This is a great way to reset your body and mind and help bring your anxiety or fear back down. 

Once you’ve got the breathwork down, add in a little acupressure. Use your index finger and thumb of one hand to massage down the index finger of the other hand as you breathe, then go back up with your exhale. 

Continue this with all of your fingers on both hands. 

Let me know if these exercises work for you. Stressful situations don’t have to ruin your calm. Just try these practices and set your level back to calm.

Show Notes:
  • [01:00] Welcome back to the show and get ready to be calm. 
  • [01:53] Grab a pad and pen and give yourself one minute before important moments to write out your thoughts. 
  • [02:55] Take time for intentional breath. 
  • [04:04] Learn to breathe and apply some acupressure to your fingers. 
  • [05:40] Let me know if these tips and tricks work to set your level to calm. 
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