How to Fix Indian Agriculture with Anjami Nayyar of Knowledge Network Solutions

Season 5, Episode 107,   Sep 02, 2021, 12:00 AM

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This week, we discuss the many happenings in the burgeoning agritech sector!

We're back with another episode of LongShorts, and this week we delve into the world where agriculture and technology collide.

Our guest is agritech expert Anjami Nayyar, the CEO of Knowledge Network Solutions, who has also been associated with crop nutrition company Yara International in an advisory capacity.

Anjami opines that digital technology can be the game-changer for Indian farmers, who continue to struggle with high levels of poverty and low levels of productivity. And startups can be at the forefront of bringing about this change.

Anjami, who says financial inclusion is the key component of her work, is driven by social impact. She explains the complex value chain of food in India, which begins with the farmer (who requires credit and agri inputs), proceeds through multiple intermediaries after the harvest, and finally reaches the consumer after packaging via an array of distribution channels.

We also discuss the ways to calculate the credit-worthiness of a farmer, the effectiveness of farm loan waivers, the farm laws, and how the agritech sector at large is suddenly enjoying a veritable boom wherein it is receiving VC money as opposed to just CSR or grant-based funding.

Listen in for an insightful discussion!