If you listen closely through the forest, you can hear the rumble of the highway

Sep 01, 2021, 09:24 AM

Episode image
Bindertwine Park, Ontario reimagined by Neil Wiernik.

"Birds chirping in a forest meadow, it feels like we are in a remote place away from the cars and the city but if you listen closely you can hear the rumble of the cars and trucks on the highway off in the distance. 

"What if the birds voices became louder, deeper, doubled, what if the sound of the breeze through the trees became tones, droning in the wind? What if the meadows and surrounding forests made their own sounds to drown out the human made ones? 

"What if the animals, trees and plants in these meadows and forests created its own music and sound loud enough to just barely be heard past the forest by the cars and trucks on the highways in the distance?"