Food Rescue US - Hartford Regional Lead Treatment Center - The National Association For Amateur Radio

Aug 29, 2021, 12:15 PM

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In Connecticut, 1 in 7 people, including 1 in 6 children are at risk of hunger. So we'll chat with the CEO of Food Rescue US about how it is working with the Connecticut Food Bank / Foodshare to incorporate Feeding America practices for Food Rescue US volunteers at four new locations.

Then we'll circle back to the topic of lead poisoning, which is affecting countless children across Connecticut - with a physician at The Hartford Regional Lead Treatment Center at Connecticut Children’s about what you need to know to eliminate the risk whether you are a parent, caregiver, or landlord.

And we'll meet a state spokesperson for The National Association For Amateur Radio, which counts hundreds of HAM radio operators among its members who stand ready during times of disaster to provide a vital backup communication network to emergency responders.