My Favorite 2021 Book Picks… So Far

Episode 331,   Aug 20, 2021, 07:00 AM

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If you’ve listened to the show for long, you know that I am an avid reader. I am constantly reading multiple books and learning so much about the world and business. Which is why I like to stop and share what I’m reading with you when I’m able. 

During this election there was so much talk of “Lincoln’s Party” that I decided I needed to learn more about President Lincoln. I grabbed With Malice Toward None by Stephen B. Oates and was fascinated by our former president’s life and trials and how he managed to lead our country in a time of huge change. 

I also love to learn about ways to create a more powerful mind. I grabbed Maximize Your Potential Through the Power of Your Subconscious Mind by Dr. Joseph Murphy because I’d previously read, The Power of the Subconscious Mind by Dr. Joseph Murphy and I love the way he approaches becoming more mentally aware. 

Listen in to hear all of my recommendations. I have read so many books this year so far, but this list is by far my favorite. I try really hard to read different kinds of books so that I’m not always stuck in business mode and this year I’ve definitely accomplished that. 

What are you reading? 

Women Worldwide goes on vacation. Have a wonderful summer! 

Show Notes:
  • [01:09] I am solo again and I’m sharing all the reading that I’ve been doing.
  • [02:02] In light of the election, I decided I needed to learn more about President Lincoln.
  • [02:54] I’ve loved reading about how to Maximize Your Potential Through the Power of the Subconscious Mind
  • [03:51] I’ve also been reading Poor Charlie’s Almanac to learn more about the wisdom behind finance. 
  • [05:51] One of my favorite books that I’ve read in 2021 is the Digital Pivot
  • [07:35] A quick shout out to several other books that I thought were really good.
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