458: $80k on This Site: How to Get More Freelance Gigs

Aug 19, 2021, 09:00 AM

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Few words will get as polarizing a response among freelancers and side hustlers as Upwork.

Depending on who you ask, it’s either a fantastic platform to connect with well-paying gigs and quality clients … or it’s a hopeless, desperate race to the bottom, overly-competitive bloodbath with no chance of success.

Like a lot of things, the truth is probably somewhere in the middle, and a lot of your outcome will depend on your strategy and how well you show up.

Upwork is the world’s largest freelance marketplace. The platform booked $2.5 billion worth of work last year, so there's no shortage of cash flowing — if you know how to get it flowing toward you.

To help is do that, I invited 2020's most popular guest, Chris Misterek, back to the show. 

Chris is a web design pro who’s booked over $80k worth of work through Upwork. 

(We’re going to focus on Upwork but these same rules apply for other freelance platforms as well, like Fiverr or Thumbtack — so get ready to set yourself up for success.)

Tune in to The Side Hustle Show interview to learn:

  • how you can set up your Upwork profile for success
  • why Chris says niching down will help you secure more jobs
  • how to pitch clients the right way to increase your chance of landing your ideal jobs

Full show notes