Bonus DHS - Biddys O'Barnes

Aug 13, 2021, 09:36 AM

Episode image
Bonus shrine: the traveller's rest.
Location: 54.709499, -7.970839
Speaker: Megan Slevin
Theme: gathering to rest up on a long journey.

After completing most of the 'shrines' in the county, you are on the last stretch and as anyone in the know would tell you, it is unlucky to pass by this hostelry without stopping to sup. Megan is the perfect host and with a great team, they offer an old world charm in an epic setting with tales galore. 

This famous traditional Irish pub is nestled at the foothills of the Blue Stack Mountains, on the banks of the Lowerymore River, nine miles from Ballybofey and six miles from Donegal Town. Biddy’s was originally an Inn, dating back to the 18th century, a time when the Coach was the main form of transport, here was a stopping point, where horses were rested, and travellers relaxed before the next stage of their long and tiring journey through the Gap. Biddy’s O’Barnes, to this day remains a stopping point for today’s traveller. People from all over the world now pass through these doors. Pub grub served daily. However you spend your time with Biddy's, you'll enjoy yourself.

URL: Biddys O'Barnes

Audio taken from Donegal's Hallowed Sites on the Racontour Archive.
Spotify URL: Donegal's Hallowed Sites playlist on Spotify