Living Hope-Wife refuses to give up the fight and starts a Foundation in memory of her husband.

Aug 02, 2021, 04:46 AM

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Agi and Ron met by chance when Agi’s father coached Ron’s son’s soccer team.  Little did they know that on that day they would meet, fall in love and marry 3 months later.   Ron was a real dynamite of a man, they balanced each other immediately.  Ron was a thinker and Agi was a doer. Partners in life, partners in business and partners in fighting pancreatic cancer.  Losing Ron was devastating but, Agi refused to give up on what they had been fighting for.  They were fighting for a cure, they were fighting to live.  After Ron’s death, Agi immediately took her pain and grief and turned it into something positive, the start of a foundation in memory of the man she loved.  Agi's daughter, Lisa had a promising career of her own.  Wanting to support her mother she agreed to help with the foundation while she was on maternity leave.  Though she fully intended to go back and pursue her career, 20+ years later Lisa is now the Executive Director for the Foundation for Pancreatic Cancer Research and Co-Founder of the annual event Tour de Pier. 
Agi, not one to let any grass grow under her feet started working on the foundation immediately after Ron’s death in May 1997.  In July,  that same year, the Hirshberg Foundation for Pancreatic Cancer Research was born.  
When asked what pearls of wisdom Agi could share with other Caregivers – "Have your moments, not just the disease.  Your life is not about the disease, it’s about your relationship and about how you love each other."
For more information on the Hirshberg Foundation and the Tour de Pier please visit www.
On OC Talk Radio, Orange County’s Only Community Radio Station streaming live every Thursday, at 11:00am PDT from the University of California-Irvine’s BEALL APPLIED INNOVATION CENTER at The Cove.  If you or anyone you know need help with their journey, please contact the Pancreatic Cancer Action Network’s Patient Services at or call 877-2-PANCAN.  If you’d like to share your story or have story ideas, please contact Roberta Luna at 
Pancreatic Cancer Action Network