Central Valley Voice of Change For Healthy Communities, Genoveva Islas, Executive Director & Founder of Cultiva La Salud

Season 2, Episode 23,   Aug 02, 2021, 01:00 PM

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 During Covid-19, California farm workers kept our tables full, the doordash deliveries coming and yet, they are paid below wages, and pay taxes and have limited access to healthy foods, healthcare and parks. Genoveva Islas, the Executive Director of Cultiva La Salud is a champion and voice of change for the central valley essential workers and for healthy communities, by giving us hope and advocacy in the the central valley. Tune in as she shares her story of becoming a teen mother, limited access to healthy foods, to graduating from Fresno State University and Loma Linda to being on the board of trustee to Fresno Unified School District. As the Founder of www.cultivalasalud.org for policies on healthy food access, improvement on physical activity planning of parks for low income communities, Covid19 distribution and  leadership development for community driven policies, she is providing community a seat at the policy tables. Si Se Puede! Special Thanks to Robert Lopez for audio mastering the California Endowment for the guest introduction.