22 | The Star Races Part 4: The Sirians

Jul 16, 2021, 01:46 AM

Episode image
It is my great pleasure to share with you today about our dear friends, the Sirians. 
Sirians are incredibly powerful, sharp, intelligent and sovereign beings with a piercing gaze. They have three brains and are highly intuitive with advanced telepathic and psychic abilities. 
I have been in contact with the Sirians for a while now and I have been working closely and co-creating with them.
It is currently an incredibly powerful time to learn about and connect with Sirian frequency as we are in the midst of lead up to the Sirian Lions Gate Portal happening on the 8/8 which is a great alignment between Earth and the Sirius Star system.
In this episode, I share information about the Sirius star system and the frequency of the Sirians, what they look like, their ancient connections with humans and how they are here now to help humans ascend to higher levels of frequencies.

May you receive this transmission from the heart.

With love,


This episode covers:
  • 8/8 Lion’s gate portal
  • The Sirius star system & planets
  • What Sirian starseeds are like
  • Information about Sirians on Earth & Sirian/human hybrids
  • How Sirians work with humans

Extra resources & links:

𐁉 Bonjour!
I am your host Cendrine, ascension and mission mentor and trance channel to the 9D Arcturian Council of Light.  
Together we will learn about the infinite quantum and galactic realms so we can embody more of our multidimensionality and accelerate our ascension.
Let’s reclaim our freedom and recode our reality!

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