Destiny's Purpose 7 Keys to Aligning with the Holy Spirit Episode 2

Season 2, Episode 6,   Jul 23, 2021, 07:00 AM

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“In the aspirations of Heaven, timing is everything. The Father has appointed moments for divine destiny to be fulfilled. Times, seasons, and epochs are a vital component in God's redemptive plan. At the precisely ordained mark, our Redeemer came to earth and, at the assigned hour, the Holy Spirit fell upon the early apostles. This eternal truth has amplified implications as we approach a pivotal crossroads in Heaven's orchestration of earthly events: God is going to fulfill His grand design. 

Our Father is determined to find vessels to use in profound and historic ways to glorify His Son. These vessels will be children of destiny who perform the prophetic mandates of a chosen generation. 

The question remains: Who from among the "called-out ones" will surrender to heavenly objectives and fully submit to God's plans, purposes, and intent? Throughout the Bible, the Father established specific kairos moments and historical periods to accomplish the blueprint of Heaven: It is not for you to know times or epochs which the Father has fixed by His own authority. —Acts 1:7”