Pens Down: Answering questions on exams, revision and wellbeing in teens

Season 2, Episode 42,   Jul 09, 2021, 09:08 AM

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Well, that was quite a year! It might not have panned out as any of us expected. But, one thing is for sure, our young people have shown themselves to adapt well to the changing circumstances and, in the overwhelming majority of cases, resilient to the setbacks that 18 months of a pandemic have thrown them. In this episode, we’re going to be looking at some of the big questions that come up time and again, with reference to the previous episodes in this season.

This week is the Season 2 finale. Nathan McGurl, Founder of The Study Buddy looks back over the last 41 episodes to answer some typical questions that we’ve had from parents and students.

Six listener's questions have been answered, covering topics including:

* How grades are being assessed in 2021
* What is happening in 2022 with exams
* Teenage study anxiety
* Summer revision
* Notes and study techniques
* Mock exams

If you have any questions that you would like to put to The Study Buddy on any aspect of supporting your teen pleased drop us a line

We're taking a break now for the Summer but will be back with Season 3 in September. Don't forget to follow/subscribe so you don't miss out!

For more information about The Study Buddy's approach to organising revision, time management and study skills visit