Note Bene: Distilling and organising notes and ideas for effective studying

Season 2, Episode 40,   Jun 18, 2021, 07:30 AM

Episode image
There’s something comforting about seeing a teen’s notepad with actual notes inside it! Of course, the occasional diagram has its place too. The written word reassures us that they are working. Simply the more notes, the harder they’re working. After all, that’s how they did it in my day. However there are a number of ways of presenting information:  from companies trying to persuade us their products are more effective than another to Professor Chris Whitty and the Covid-updates. So is the long form writing-out of notes the most effective way of learning and revising? 

This week we’re looking at organising ideas and information.

Nathan McGurl, Founder of The Study Buddy is joined by Oliver Caviglioli. Oliver is a former headteacher of a special school and currently the go-to educational book designer and illustrator – certainly according to the office book collection. He has authored, co-authored and contributed to several books on teaching and learning strategies including the forthcoming “Organising Ideas: Thinking by hand, Extending the mind” alongside David Goodwin. He also maintains his website which is packed with resources and ideas for teachers - and parents and students too.

For more information about The Study Buddy's approach to organising revision, time management and study skills visit