Night of the cicadas, Chiang Mai

Jun 17, 2021, 09:19 AM

Episode image
The sounds of cicadas, across the fields at night outside Chiang Mai, Thailand, recorded by Alex Boyesen. 

"This was recorded in our rice paddy. Super muddy and will steal your sandals given half a chance! 

"The rice had just been harvested so it was full of birds and insects foraging, mating and just having fun. Right now the sound is changing to a heavy duty frog chorus as the paddies are being flooded for a second harvest. 

"Nothing stands still here. Over the past few days I have encountered two golden tree snakes, a cobra and a python, big and small scorpions, frogs in the bathroom, herons, moorhens, squirrels, rats and our chickens have had three more chicks."

Part of the 5,000 Miles project in partnership with Ithaca Studio, an immersive 360-degree audio experience that transports you to another place through the evocative sounds of places 5,000 miles from the UK through spatial audio technology and ambisonic 3D recording. 

The project was an immersive live experience touring festivals in 2021, and is presented online via Cities and Memory at