"Lawyer You Know" Clearwater Attorney Peter Tragos 6-8-21
Season 1, Episode 4644, Jun 09, 2021, 07:42 PM
In this episode, Attorney Pete Sartes talks about Juvenile VS Adult Court, what are the differences, and everything between them. For example, Mr. Sartes talks about a recent case where Tristyn Bailey of St Augustine Florida was allegedly stabbed to death by a 14-year-old named Aiden Fucci. Will he be tried as a juvenile or adult?
*Update at the end with new information*
#lawyeryouknow #tristynbailey #aidenfucci
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*Update at the end with new information*
#lawyeryouknow #tristynbailey #aidenfucci
✅ For business inquiries contact me at info@greeklaw.com
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https://www.tragoslaw.com/clearwater-... #clearwater #florida #floridalaw #tampabay #radio #radiostpete