Mysteries and Monsters: Episode 53 Lon Strickler

Feb 17, 2020, 09:16 PM

We are joined by podcast host, author, writer and investigator Lon Strickler on this weeks show as we cover the continuing Chicago Mothman sightings, as well as Lon's career in the paranormal world and his personal experiences. 

We also take another look back on one of the strangest alleged alien abduction cases, that of David Eckhart which has confounded believers and skeptics since it came to light in 2009.

You can find Lon's site here: More on David's case here: 

Lon's books are available here:

Thanks for joining us Lon.

You can join us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram as well as signing up for Patreon too.

Email us at with any feedback, guest suggestions or if you'd like to appear. 

Thanks for listening.

#PhantomsandMonsters #LonStrickler #Gettysburg #Bigfoot #UFOs #Thunderbirds #Mothman #Chicago #PointPleasant #DavidEckhart #AlienAbduction #LakeMichigan #TobiasWeyland #ArcaneRadio