Mysteries and Monsters: Episode 65 Editor of the Bigfoot Times Daniel Perez
May 04, 2020, 12:00 PM
This week, we're joined by Daniel Perez, editor and publisher of the Bigfoot Times.
Daniel has been involved in the search for Bigfoot for several decades from liaising with John Green and Rene Dahinden as a teenager, to being out in location, investigating witness sightings and compiling them for the monthly editions of the Bigfoot Times.
We dive into a couple of infamous Bigfoot cases, the 1924 Ape Canyon story which saw Fred Beck, Gabe Lefever, John Peterson, Marion Smith and Smith’s son Roy alleged attacked by a group of Bigfoot to the point they abandoned their mining claim in Oregon.
We also discuss the Bossburgh case, probably more well known as "Cripplefoot" as well as discussing the notorious Ivan Marx, Paul Freeman and a couple of modern sightings too.
The Bigfoot Times is here:
Thank you for joining us Daniel!
Daniel has been involved in the search for Bigfoot for several decades from liaising with John Green and Rene Dahinden as a teenager, to being out in location, investigating witness sightings and compiling them for the monthly editions of the Bigfoot Times.
We dive into a couple of infamous Bigfoot cases, the 1924 Ape Canyon story which saw Fred Beck, Gabe Lefever, John Peterson, Marion Smith and Smith’s son Roy alleged attacked by a group of Bigfoot to the point they abandoned their mining claim in Oregon.
We also discuss the Bossburgh case, probably more well known as "Cripplefoot" as well as discussing the notorious Ivan Marx, Paul Freeman and a couple of modern sightings too.
The Bigfoot Times is here:
Thank you for joining us Daniel!
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#bigfoot #sasquatch #johngreen #renedehaliden #peterbyrne #ivantsanderson #danielperez #kenwalker #bobgimlin #rogerpatterson #bluffcreek #gigantapithicus #ApeCanyon #Bossburgh #IvanMarx #PaulFreeman #Cripplefoot #DrGroverKrantz #PeterByrne ~BigfootTimes #California
#bigfoot #sasquatch #johngreen #renedehaliden #peterbyrne #ivantsanderson #danielperez #kenwalker #bobgimlin #rogerpatterson #bluffcreek #gigantapithicus #ApeCanyon #Bossburgh #IvanMarx #PaulFreeman #Cripplefoot #DrGroverKrantz #PeterByrne ~BigfootTimes #California