Mastering Your Creations

Episode 22,   Jun 07, 2021, 03:45 PM

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My message to the world is simple...You are always creating! I will shout this from the rooftops until the day I leave the planet. We can’t just hear about manifesting once and then know how to create an amazing life. It’s complex and the illusion of life is powerful. It’s so easy to get sucked into our crappy stories and take them as truth. That’s why I tell stories about our power to create and then I tell a different story. With each story something will click and day after day we will create small or big shifts. Eventually we will turn around and reflect on our life and be in awe of how much it has progressed.  

The key is to KEEP GOING layer by layer. That’s how to win at the game of life baby! In this episode I break down what I call the manifesting chain. Our creations are a process and in order to become a master at what we are creating we need to look at all the steps. We can’t skip a step or we will prevent things that we want from becoming a reality. The two most important things to getting really good at manifesting are ...Keep it simple and be consistent!