TSOT017: Cyber attacks on superior counter-narrative sources. DRAMATIC supplement studies.

Jun 01, 2021, 04:55 AM

Episode image
Two main topics:

1. An outstanding site, that has provided outstanding information as it also always gives great citations for the information, so much so that it used to come up at the top of search results (it does not now, but not because its content has changed) is now practically an Enemy of the State, as the speech bullies are only more fully bolstered.

2. (14:47) A quick review of the devastatingly dramatic conclusions of study after study of just ONE particular treatment, that is easy and cheap and available, but does not match the narrative.  Used as an emphasis of the types of scientific arrows this excellent source would have in his quiver, to inform you fully on all of your options to bullet-proof your health. 
Every bit as dramatic as anything they can cite for "treatments" they're trying to psychologically force on everyone. 
An expression I've used before - if their studies for their chemical-based patentable "treatments" showed half the effectiveness these these studies show, it would "launch a thousand marketing ships." 

What's bad - of course one doesn't expect someone to promote the easy and cheap alternative to their product, but the bullies go beyond that and add disinformation, and now are openly suggesting cyber attacks on sites with the information.

We're deep in it, folks. 

(Recorded on phone, like the Quick Hits of Truth, but long enough didn't feel it could or should be one of those.)

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