Episode 116 - How to Influence as a Leader

Season 1, Episode 116,   Oct 13, 2021, 06:00 PM

It is a fact women in leadership roles feel they have a lot more to prove than men. Listen to how you can fulfill your role as a leader and not burn out.

Susanne Le Boutillier
A born leader, Susanne Le Boutillier possesses a passion for making a difference.  Her broad experience in leadership, governance, strategy, and change, working as a senior executive in health and human services saw her taking on big challenges because she wanted to improve the system from the inside. But success came at a price. A very personal price and she knows her experience is not isolated for women in leadership and business.
She is the founder of T.H.E.M. – the Happy Executive Method and is creating a movement of business leaders who experience personal wellbeing, enable it for others AND deliver business results.
In this episode, Susanne explains the impact of the ripples that influence workplace culture and how this flows onto customers and the communities they serve. 

She speaks about how to differentiate between complicated and complex challenges and learn why you can fix one but not the other.

Having been brought up to lead by example – roll your sleeves up and help when it gets tough, it took a lot of self-reflection for Susanne to understand that the higher you go, the less you can afford to do this as a woman.

Listen to her story.

You can reach out to Susanne here:

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 #leadership, #podcast for women leaders, #complexity, #complicated, #challanges, #women leaders,