Healing Yourself with Mollie Lyman Hall

Episode 20,   May 24, 2021, 05:59 PM

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When I see people with major success stories I pipe up and want to know their wisdom and secrets. I am intrigued with health and it is at the top of the list to living a fulfilling rich life. If we are more advanced than we’ve ever been, then we should be asking some questions…Why are so many of our health issues on the incline instead of the decline? We are in the middle of a massive restructuring of our world and many things are disassembling. One of the major areas that is changing is our “healthcare” industry. 

People are waking up to holistic health and connecting the dots on some huge discoveries. They are realizing that we must look at the body as a whole system that works together emotionally, physically, mentally and spiritually. We and our divine creator together have the power to heal ourselves. No one else. Until we recognize this we will not fully stand in our power. 

In this episode I sit down with the inspiring Mollie Lyman Hall who has experienced a beautiful journey on her road to discover healing. She was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer with an 18% chance of survival. She made a decision that she would listen to her intuition and be first and foremost her own guide to live. She shares with us her journey and the profound wisdom she learned along the way. She learned about the connection between past traumas and their role in causing physical dis-ease. 

Because of her profound love for her daughter Mollie made a decision to LIVE and look at life as a gift. She now enjoys a beautiful life looking through the lens of appreciation for life's priceless moments with her loved ones. 

Do you have a coach? I would love to go on this healing journey to learn, grow and progress together. You can check out my coaching programs at https://jensuliafu.com/programs/


Much love to you! 

xoxo, Jen