Life coach who lives with FSH muscular dystrophy, Lori Brant

Episode 60,   May 14, 2021, 08:20 PM

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“Our guest this month is Lori Brant, a life coach who lives with FSH muscular dystrophy. “I know it can seem impossible to feel peaceful and calm when having worrisome thoughts or waiting for the next shoe to drop. Being stressed all the time is exhausting,” she says. “The truth is that I, like most people, believed that if they could just find a cure, or if I repeated enough affirmations, I would be happy, but I discovered that there was more to it than that.” Brant says negative belief patterns, if left unchecked, can undermine efforts to align with our natural state of peace and calm. She has created a simple strategy to help clients quickly reveal those hidden patterns and show them how to neutralize their influence.

After 20 years of working on my own limiting beliefs and assisting hundreds of clients with theirs, Brant developed The Alignment Strategy, a simple and effective tool to zero in on where the negative patterns originated. “I created the Alignment Strategy template to help people bring awareness to their own patterns so they’ll be less stressed and more peaceful and calm with the people they love.”

Lori Brant has a Bachelor of Psychology, Bachelor of Education, is a Life Coach, Spiritual Life Coach, and Life Coach Trainer. She was diagnosed with FSHD at age 20. You can learn more about her at Her books, The Alignment Strategy and The Happiness Toolbox: Finding happiness regardless of circumstances are available on Amazon, Kobo, Smashwords, Barnes and Nobel and Authors Republic. Follow her on Facebook and Instagram @lori.brant