Damien Valdenaire, Concawe

Season 2, Episode 1,   Jan 15, 2021, 12:00 PM

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We’re pleased to welcome you all back for our first podcast episode of 2021. We open the new year with a look into the uncertain future of oil demand within shipping as the industry steams its way towards cleaner alternatives.

Today we’re joined by Damien Valdenaire of the European Petroleum Refiners Association (CONCAWE) to explore the impact of 2020 on oil demand in Europe and the anticipated trends ahead for 2021. We’ll take his expert views on the drop in oil demand and refining during the pandemic and the potential for recovery this year, as well as considering expectations for emerging alternatives and the potential for a multi-fuel future.

Damien Valdenaire joined Concawe in 2016 as a Science Executive for the Refining Technology at Concawe. He has been involved with Concawe since 2014 as he was at that time a TOTAL Member Company representative.

Previously, he spent his 18-year career in the refining industry within TOTAL. He held a variety of process Engineering, Planning, Economics and Managerial positions in four different sites in the TOTAL group, in Belgium, England and France, before moving to TOTAL Refining & Chemical in Brussels as Senior Refining Strategy Analyst.

In his current position, Damien has led the studies regarding the impact of Regulations on the EU refining industry (product quality, CO2 intensities of refined products, ETS, etc.) and contribute in projects such as the future of refining in a “low carbon economy”.

He is also a member representative in IPIECA Climate Change Working Group, in the ESSF (European Sustainable Shipping Forum) and IOGP CCS (International Oil and Gas Producer, working group on Carbon capture and Storage).

Damien holds a Master Degree in Chemical Engineering from National Institute of Applied Sciences in Toulouse (France).