We've Got Chemistry: GCSE study tips and advice

Season 2, Episode 34,   May 07, 2021, 07:00 AM

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Between finding things that explode or pop or fizzle and trying to not set notes alight with Bunsen burners many of us will have fond memories of Chemistry lessons. But it's not all parlour tricks and safety goggles, there’s a considerable amount of content to be learnt. Between the scientific terms and symbols, it can feel like an alien language for students and parents alike. So, just what are the best study methods to yield good results?

This week's podcast episode is looking at Chemistry, why an understanding is important beyond school and how to prepare for the exams.

Nathan McGurl, Founder of The Study Buddy, is joined by Dr David Paterson. David is Chemistry Teacher and researcher. Previously David has been a subject advisor with a UK exam board. As well as being an author and blogger, David is active in working on teacher training and support with the Royal Society for Chemistry, amongst others.

For more information about The Study Buddy's approach to organising revision, time management and study skills visit thestudybuddy.com