Episode 1 of Dark Shadows - Why, FDR...WHY?

Episode 21,   May 05, 2021, 09:23 PM

Episode image
On this very first episode of Dark Shadows, Why FDR, WHY? We're taking a deep dive into what led Franklin Roosevelt to make the decision to intern an entire ethnic population of the USA, treated them like criminals, locked them up like animals, and removed their civil liberties. Yes, I’ll be tackling the internment of the Japanese Americans during world war two in the United States and just how and why a Government could turn on its’ own citizens in the supposed land of the free. 

Are you ready for the deep dive? 

Excellent...here we go...

Narrator: SuZe
Kotsui Korematsu: Hieu Tieu
Music by:
Possession by Purple Planet
All music used under an Attribution License - http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
All media outtakes have been sourced via open media and are readily available via an internet search.