Exploring The Vagus Nerve with Melanie Weller

Season 1,   Apr 26, 2021, 09:00 AM

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In this weeks episode we are in conversation with physical therapist and Vagus Nerve expert - Melanie Weller.

If your super curious this will really resonate with you - perhaps providing more questions for you to reflect upon. Rachael & John take part in a couple of Melanie’s exercises as she explains the importance of the vagus nerve, how increasing our awareness of how it works can have a beneficial and dramatic impact on our physical and mental health.

We talk about how many of us ‘over-breath into our upper neck,’ what that perpetuates, and where we should concentrate our breathing thus preventing tightness. 

We learn what’s happening with our gut instinct and reactions and even consider that our business/job and our body has a closer relationship than we think.

Melanie Leadership Essentials: (1:05:00)

1. Create Physical space for your vagus nerve / yourself. Keep your internal flow going

2.  Leadership Influence - The vagus nerve is the biggest influencer of your body, and when you’re looking to amplify your influence, the better your vagus nerve functions, the more you are the thermostat, and not the thermometer. Your future has your back

3. Seeing people as their Archetypes -  Which archetype are you? It can help you as a leader to get people in their sweet spot. Helping build trust and trust in your teams, and knowing your archetype helps in trusting yourself. 

A fully functioning vagus nerve is so important to good leadership. Melanie ends on the vagus nerve compression exercise.

You can contact Melanie here: https://melanieweller.com/
Follow Melanie on Twitter @EmbodyYourStar