Episode 25: Terrifying Body Horror Stories

Season 1, Episode 25,   Apr 15, 2021, 08:45 PM

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We all have the disease... the disease of being finite. The death of our body is the one true horror!

Tonight’s first epic tale of the horrific is ‘I Found A Lump on My Arm, Now We're All Going to Die’, an original story Richard Saxon, kindly shared with me for the express purpose of having me narrate it here for you all:

Today’s second classic in the making is ‘Since When Do Mannequins Bleed’, a story by Bloody Spaghetti, shared with me via the Creepypasta Wiki and recorded here under the conditions of the CC-BY-SA license:

Today’s third phenomenally terrifying story is ‘Seizures Are Supposed to Only Last a Few Minutes: My Wife's Continued For 5 Straight Days’, an original work by the fabulous T.J. Lea, kindly shared with me via NoSleep and narrated here for you all with the author’s express permission.

Fourth up, we have the incredible ‘It Breathes, It Bleeds, It Breeds’ by Travis Kuhlman, AKA EmpyrealInvective, again shared with me via the Creepypasta Wiki and recorded here under the conditions of the CC-BY-SA license:

Tonight’s final, deliciously evil short story is ‘The Gaze’, an original work by Killahawke1, kindly shared directly with me for the express purpose of having me exclusively narrate it here for you all.