06 | The Quantum travels formula

Apr 01, 2021, 02:34 AM

Episode image
Discover the 5 steps that will change your life forever!

This is a unique formula that will have you get access to important information about your soul and your mission, and about pretty much any desire that resides within your heart.
This transmission is very special because it contains a channelled activation! For that, you will need to be in a quiet space and sit down.
You can keep on travelling in the quantum using this formula, as it allows you to be safe, precise and fully soul-aligned. Therefore, the messages that will come for you will be of the highest frequencies.
Your job next is to take aligned actions in your everyday life, following the guidance received, because this is how we shift our 3D reality!

Thank you for listening and for receiving with an open heart!


This episode covers

  • How the quantum travels formula works
  • The 5 steps of the formula:
    • Inner peace
    • The column of Ascension/ Pillar of Light
    • Our connection with Galactic teams/soul family
    • Unique Quantum Space
    • Precise questions to ask in the quantum
  • Channelled activation to take you into the quantum yourself

Extra resources & links:

𐁉 Bonjour!
I am your host Cendrine, ascension and mission mentor and trance channel to the 9D Arcturian Council of Light. Β 
Together we will learn about the infinite quantum and galactic realms so we can embody more of our multidimensionality and accelerate our ascension.
Let’s reclaim our freedom and recode our reality!

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