Seoul airport dreaming

Mar 29, 2021, 02:12 PM

Episode image
Seoul airport reimagined by de Velden.

"I wanted to explore the sense of buildings without people, of buildings dreaming of people. I built a soundscape for the empty building sections of my piece out of chunks of the field recordings, and then inserted sections of the wonderful surround recording of people that the original field recording provided. I wrote a piano piece exploring those different moods, and then accentuated the 'dreaming' sections with additional synth and bass lines.

"Music and making music has been a refuge over the last year. When usual options for exploration have been limited I feel music has offered depth and breadth, providing colour and new experiences that maybe compensate a little."

Part of the Until We Travel project to map and reimagine the sounds of transport and travel in a pre-pandemic and pandemic world. See the whole project at