*BONUS* Mornings With Grace, ep. 12

Episode 19,   Mar 28, 2021, 08:19 AM

Join Victoria for this bonus episode, #MorningsWithGrace Episode 12, to command and win our day through thoughts and words. Walk into your day with Power, Authority and Grace.

Don't forget to leave a RATE, SUBSCRIBE and SHARE this podcast with a friend! Thank you SO much for tuning in! Your support is greatly appreciated. We will be back here every week. ✨✨✨
This Week's Tea:

✨ Website: https://bit.ly/thesuccessfulservantleader

✨Book Mentioned: https://www.amazon.com/Days-Power-Prayer-Supernatural-Declarations/dp/1629116939/ref=sr_1_2?crid=2LG36ZTCF018R&dchild=1&keywords=90+days+of+power+prayer&qid=1616438614&sprefix=90+days+of+power%2Caps%2C200&sr=8-2

𝟏. Follow on these platforms:
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/iamvictoriagrace/
Clubhouse: Search "@VictoriaGracee" and/or "SSL Network"

𝟐. #MorningsWithGrace - weekends at 9AM CST / weekdays at 8AM CST on Instagram and Clubhouse

𝟑. Tuesday/Thursday Tea at 7PM CST on Clubhouse

→ Every Wednesday 7A CST. Share this with a friend or anyone you know that may need it.
→→→ Access Info → Dial: 605-313-5111 ; Enter Code: 450216#

→ Wealth Building Wednesdays on Clubhouse at 8AM CST.

𝟓. Successful Servant Leader Playlist: music.apple.com/us/playlist/the-s….u-XkD0vBJFBNMZmv

Follow Us On Social!
IG/FB: @TheSuccessfulServantLeader
IG/FB: @IAmVictoriaGrace

Ask Victoria a Question to be answered on the show:
hello@iamvictoriagrace.com - use subject "podcast question"

