A journey

Mar 27, 2021, 04:56 PM

Episode image
Montevideo bus station reimagined by Peter Brooks.

"The original piece is the ambient sound in a bus station, which inspired me to think of journeys and from there reminded me of Kraftwerk's Autobahn.

"The piece uses the original recording in full as a background to set the tone. It builds to suggest a sense of movement but also the repetitive monotony of waiting to begin, and hints at the Kraftwerk piece. The announcer's voice marks the start of the journey which suggests a busy road journey with vehicles passing by and making themselves known as often happens in countries with less-strict traffic regulations.

"The piece was built using Logic Pro X and sound sources from a Moog 15 (App version) and BBC Symphony Orchestra from Spitfire Audio.

"As regards travelling this year - I yearn for it!"

Part of the Until We Travel project to map and reimagine the sounds of transport and travel in a pre-pandemic and pandemic world. See the whole project at https://www.citiesandmemory.com/travel.