Ep 197 Demon Hunter

Mar 14, 2021, 09:27 AM

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Today we have on Embrosewyn Tazkuvel about his book Demon Hunter

The first 426 pages are a biographical account of Embrosewyn’s secret life as a Taz, a member of a small cadre of specially gifted and trained demon hunters. It is written in the form of a fast-paced, fantasy, adventure novel and some readers may enjoy it as nothing more.

Demon Hunter gives the reader an inside view of the unseen world, both on our planet Earth and the dimensions and worlds beyond. Demons, ghosts, dragons, unicorns and many other invisible or mythical creatures have a real-life familiarity to Embrosewyn.

The last 94 pages of the book are filled with practical knowledge and applications to help the reader understand and deal with demonic influences they may encounter in their life.

check out the book and more at https://www.embrosewyn.com/