Tunnels of the mind

Mar 12, 2021, 08:51 AM

Episode image
Khun Tan tunnel reimagined by Vlad Suppish.

"I've decided to work with a random piece this time and received Khun Tan train tunnel recording. At first listen it hasn't made a big impression on me, but on subsequent listenings a train of associations has crossed my mind. 
Some childhood memories of playing computer games like Deus Ex. Especially Hong Kong tunnels and its eerie otherworldly music. 

"So I've begun to play around the original recording with my modular synthesizer, trying to reconstruct the tone of that music as I remember it. Small modular patch eventually became  large, with lots of random modulation. 

"The original recording was playing on a constant loop through a modulated shimmer reverb. I've set the whole generative process and at first just listened to it for several hours - always a consistent tone but never quite the same every time. 

"A mind of its own.

"Eventually I've recorded an improvisation for about 20 minutes with it, chose and edited the best parts.

"I'm really pleased with this one. Just amazing how one recording can trigger a whole new set of events, associations and memories."

Part of the Until We Travel project to map and reimagine the sounds of transport and travel in a pre-pandemic and pandemic world. See the whole project at https://www.citiesandmemory.com/travel.