NMA Fireside Chat with Prof. Rasmus Kleis Nielsen

Episode 40,   Mar 11, 2021, 09:41 PM

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Der NMA Fireside Chat dieses Mal auf Englisch, denn Managing Partner Nico Lumma hat Prof. Rasmus Kleis Nielsen den Direktor vom Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism zu Gast. Sie sprechen über Medieninnovation, digitale Geschäftsmodelle für Medienhäuser und aktuelle Spannungsfelder z.B. warum es das “Golde Zeitalter des Journalismus” so eigentlich nicht gibt und man hier differenzieren muss, warum Soziale Medien Treiber des politischen Wandels sind und die Gate Keeping Funktion der Medien durch diese umgangen werden kann (und das auch durchaus sein Gutes haben kann). Hört mal rein!


In this month’s NMA Fireside Chat Managing Partner Nico Lumma talks with Prof. Rasmus Kleis Nielsen, the Director of the Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism and Professor of Political Communication at the University of Oxford. Tune in!

Here are the most interesting takeaways for you!


4.15  - Powerful Companies & People don’t want to be reported upon.

10.10 - To live in the Past is not a sustainable Strategy. 

10.51 - Different ways to manage the Media Company:

Some are just gonna manage decline and slowly asset strip the company (…) and when it's gone, it's gone and someone else has to figure out the future. These are entirely rational positions. 

22.25 - Newspapers have lost some of the Gatekeeping Power that they held in an offline Environment. 

24.29 - Not so golden Age of News Media and Journalism:
Not everyone thought of it as a golden age (….)mostly the people who made money from it. They often produced journalism, that people would see as being racist, sexist homophobic, classist, pro-establishment (...) and amplifying stereotypes against marginalized communities (...).

27.00 - Social Media was integral to Me Too, Black Lives Matters and Friday for Futures. 

41.49 -  Outlook for the Media Industry & Journalism: We have Reasons to be cautious Optimists.

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