Choosing to Challenge the Patriarchy in Indonesia: In conversation with Arieska Kurniawaty

Season 2, Episode 34,   Mar 08, 2021, 11:30 AM

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In this special episode in celebration of International Women's Day, we look at feminist interventions in Indonesia.

Societies the world over are under extreme stress and we are only beginning to guess the long term social and economic effects of the Covid19 pandemic.  However, it is already clear that there is a gendered dimension to Covid’s direct and indirect socioeconomic impacts. 

Here at the State of power Podcast, we’re interested in how patriarchal power operates, how it mutates, and how it shapes the world around us. The theme for International women’s day on March 8  2021 is “Choose to challenge”, and our guest on the podcast today works with an organization that has chosen to stand up in support of women’s rights in Indonesia, and to challenge the oppression of women’s voices.  

Arie Kurniawaty works with the feminist organization Solidaritas Perempuan, in Indonesia. Solidaritas Perempuan works with peasant women, fisherwomen, women migrant workers, and any other marginalized groups of women in Indonesia. Arie tells of some of the ways women in Indonesia's fisher communities have been adapting to a world that is far from the norm they were used to. 

Photo credit: Thibault Josse

  • TNI Webinar on Feminist Realities: Transforming democracy in times of crisis
  •  Webinar with Nancy Fraser : The Left Reflects on the Global Pandemic
  • TNI Longread on Gender and Fisheries in Indonesia
  • TNI report on Marine Spatial Planning
  • Solidaritas Perempuan website