02/03/2021 Live Learning Partnership: Findings and Analysis

Mar 03, 2021, 04:06 PM

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To understand the ongoing impact of the pandemic on individuals, work, the community and the world around us, we need to listen to people’s experiences.

That is why the Institute of Welsh Affairs and the Wales Co-operative Centre, alongside 8 other partner organisations, launched a new initiative to gather these stories using the online storytelling tool Sensemaker®.

This event launches a second report on our findings and outlines why this unique method of collecting people’s unfiltered experiences will bring stories across Wales to the attention of decision-makers.

It’s not our intention to collect personal information about people. This tool will be used to spot general trends and patterns for us to better understand how the pandemic has affected us all.

We also show you how to access the anonymised data, which will be available to the public, so anyone can analyse the stories and information gathered to spot specific trends.

Sophie Howe, the Future Generations Commissioner, attends as our keynote listener, reflecting on the information that we’ve collected and its value going forward.

The Institute of Welsh Affairs (IWA) and the Wales Co-operative Centre (WCC) are co-leaders of the Live Learning Partnership, along with:

• Business In the Community (BITC)

• Cardiff Business School (Cardiff University)

• Care Forum Wales

• Community Housing Cymru (CHC)

• Cymorth Cymru

• The Ethnic Minorities and Youth Support Team (EYST)

• Wales Council for Voluntary Action (WCVA)

• Y Lab (Cardiff University/Nesta)

The IWA’s role in this project is part-funded by the National Lottery Community Fund.