
Feb 25, 2021, 07:48 AM

Episode image
"It's an exploration of pattern-recognition. Certain sounds have regularities, and noticing their timings can make the world feel like a working system. The birds call every few seconds, people walk by every half minute, planes pass every few minutes… Anyway, by jumping around a field recording in tempo, the sounds are sorted, and become easier to hear as a melody. 

I used pure data, a patch that divides an audio file into segments of equal size and then shuffles them, sometimes clinging to certain segments or areas, sometimes evenly spacing itself across the whole file. 

Either way, melodic patterns seem to crop up, melodies that are almost noticeable - it's a miniature of the experience of listening to a park in real time, how our brains attempt to make sense of it all."

Piece by Nicolo Scolieri as part of The Orange Garden project by Cities and Memory, in which multiple artists create a new composition using the same original field recording as source material and inspiration - see the whole project at