When This Is Over - a song of hope written during the first lockdown last Spring

Feb 13, 2021, 09:10 PM

Episode image

When This is Over

1. When This is over,
We will be walking hand in hand,
When this is over,
And close together we will stand.
Days on repeat,
In the quiet, deserted street.
Too much time apart
For this aching heart.
It'll be so sweet,
When this is over.

2. When this is over,
I want to sing my favourite songs,
When this is over.
We've been apart for far too long.
Walking side by side,
With the closeness we've been denied.
Too much time alone.
Not the same by phone.
So much joy will be known,
When this is over.

3. When this is over,
We won't be crying tears of grief.
When this is over,
There will be tears of pure relief
And human touch
That we've all been craving so much.
Standing face to face
In a warm embrace
In the same place,
When this is over.

When this is over,
When this is over.
Standing face to face,
In a warm embrace,
In the same place.
When this is over,
We will be walking hand in hand.