It's Behind You: The importance of reflection and communication

Season 2, Episode 24,   Feb 12, 2021, 12:01 AM

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There is an insta-perfect perception of remote schooling and revision. It's the one where parents are casually teaching their children quadratic equations; while perfecting cold fusion as a side hustle. In this world parent and child move in some magical symbiotic harmony. And the kids probably even volunteer to put the bins out. Yeah right! The very real reality is that parenting and schooling in lockdown is tricky. It can feel like there’s little to no respite. But although friction is to be expected, is there something in how we deal with it that will unlock a more positive outcome?

This week we’re looking at how parenting might be getting in the way of getting the most out of our children.

Nathan McGurl, Founder of The Study Buddy, is joined by Ayesha Murray. Ayesha is a professional coach who has built her career working with parents to find balance. She is also the host of the popular “parent equation” podcast.

In this episode, we look at some simple coaching techniques that will help you to connect with your teen at a time when they are likely to be feeling unsettled and demotivated.

For more information about The Study Buddy's approach to time management and study skills visit