Why I Personally Call People Instead of Using an Automated Funnel | #AskDavidMeltzer 8

Feb 08, 2021, 07:00 PM

You can give people your free e-book, but if it isn't good, you are only hurting yourself. When I worked with Leigh Steinberg he taught me two things, can you get a client and can you keep them? In works exactly the same in sales, but can you get your client to get you another client?

If you want me to answer your question on the podcast, tweet me @davidmeltzer or email me a video of you asking me a question and I will answer it for a future episode!

You can give people your free e-book, but if it isn't good, you are only hurting yourself. When I worked with Leigh Steinberg he taught me two things, can you get a client and can you keep them? In works exactly the same in sales, but can you get your client to get you another client?

If you want me to answer your question on the podcast, tweet me @davidmeltzer or email me a video of you asking me a question and I will answer it for a future episode!